General Awareness Quiz

General Awareness Quiz

  1. True or false – there are 8 planets in our solar system? – True
  2. How many players are there in a football/Cricket  team? 9, 10, 11, 12
  3. A lobster has how many legs? – 10, 8 ,21, 4
  4. What is the shape of Harry Potter’s scar on his forehead? – Triangle, circle, lightning bolt, cross
  5. How long is an hour in minutes? – 10, 100, 60, 600
  6. What do you call a baby dog? – foal, puppy, piglet, kitten
  7. What language do people from England speak? – German, French, English, Spanish
  8. What date is Christmas Eve? – December 23rd, December 24th, December 25th, December 26th
  9. How many jaggy spines does a hedgehog have on average? 50, 500, 1,000, 5,000
  10. What is the 6th letter in the alphabet? – E, F, H, J
  11. What is the largest animal in the world? – elephant, giraffe, blue whale, brown bear
  12. What is the name of the world’s highest mountain? –  Alps, Zugspitze, Annapurna, Mount Everest(SagarMatha)
  13. How many wings does a butterfly have? –  4, 2, 6, 5
  14. At what age do teenagers become an adult in the UK? – 16, 18 , 20, 21
  15. What is the capital city of Scotland? – Glasgow, London, Europe, Edinburgh
  16. Biggest Country of the  World ?- Russia
  17. Biggest Lake in the World?-Caspian Sea
  18. Longest River in the world?-Nile(6650Km)
  19. Biggest Dam in the world?- the three Gorges Dam China
  20. Big Flower in the World?-Rafflesia arnoldii